Apply Self Regulation and Accept Feedback
This is the way to learn and improve yourself, your house, land, environment, and community. It makes you stronger, and with more experience, you make fewer mistakes and create more productive systems. Then you can keep building on what you have instead of having to start again. On a global level, we must accept feedback from the environment. Pollution, animal extinction, water shortages, and climate change are showing us that the way we are living MUST change quickly to become sustainable and responsible, or these problems will only get worse.
Individually and/or collectively we are responsible for the problems we face and the culture we create. If you and your community are to prosper, you must take responsibility for now and for the future. Educating children to be responsible for the land and its people is fundamental for the future of every country. Use the resources available now to repair the fragile environment, and plan, grow, and create resources for the future to the best of your abilities. This is how to develop a strong and resilient country.
If you use your brain first you can make a project much easier and plan for the long term. And as you progress, learn from your experiences, successes, and mistakes to continually improve. The benefits of engaging your brain first: • Reduce your labour time, energy used, outside resources needed, and costs. • Save work time in the future by doing a good job now. • Make the system do the work for you.
Asking an expert about your project provides you with a lot of great information to make it easier and better. Do not forget that smart ideas can come from anyone, men and women, young and old.
Example: Do not just make a normal fence, make a living fence. It protects the crops or houses the animals, as well as providing animal food, mulch, compost material, shade, firewood, and even nitrogen for the soil.
It’s a wonderful open-source practical permaculture reference guide book with 2000 beautiful illustrations and comprehensive language which enables even a beginner to understand the permaculture design, food sovereignty, and environmental regeneration strategies and techniques. The vision of this project is to make knowledge comprehensible and accessible for everyone to accelerate sustainable practices in every corner of the world. It is especially useful when working with poor, low literacy, and disadvantaged communities and schools.
This edition was developed from the Permaculture Guidebook from Timor-Leste produced in 2008 and published by Permatil (Permaculture Timor Leste-NGO). It is used by farmers, families, community groups, government departments, schools, universities, agricultural colleges, and NGOs in Timor Leste, and re-used and translated in more than 10 countries.
Please find the link below to download this book and learn more about their work on their website.